A Dutch basic healthcare insurance includes the complete obstetric healthcare from a midwife and the standard ultrasounds. The NIPT test or combination test will not be reimbursed. Also a fun scan, like a gender determination scan or 3D/4D ultrasound, will not be reimbursed.

A homebirth will be completely reimbursed. If you want to deliver in the hospital without a medical indication, your healthcare insurance can charge a contribution. Check your policy what the contribution will be.

Complete obstetric healthcare

€ 1.550,40

Complete prenatal care (pregnancy)

€ 573,65

Complete natal care (delivery)

€ 627,91

Complete postnatal care

€ 384,84

Counseling NIPT-test and anomaly scan

€ 47,-


€ 175,-

Due date scan

€ 46,71

Anomaly scan

€ 157,03

Growth/postion ultrasound

€ 38,92

Viability scan without a medical indication

€ 30,-

Gender determination scan

€ 45,-

For more rates see the Dutch healthcare authority